It is an evergreen, vigorously-growing climber, capable of reaching 5 m in height. The foliage is made up of opposite, pinnate leaves with two or three, 4 to 8 cm leaflets,, and a 3-branched tendril, which all arise together from the end of the leaf petiole.[5]
The orange flowers, which appear from winter to spring, are 5 to 9 cm long and densely clustered. They are pollinated by hummingbirds. The fruits are smooth, 3 cm long brown capsules.
The plant is sensitive to cold winds and prefers sunny, sheltered locations. Its frost hardiness USDA zones are 9 to 11. It is resistant to soil salinity.
The plant has forked tendrils, which will cling to any rough surface, including brick walls. It can be grown from semi-hardwood cuttings taken in summer, autumn or winter.
It is naturalised in eastern Australia, eastern Africa and in the southeastern United States
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