How To Grow Insulin Plants At Home To Cure Diabetes
Are you perturbed thinking about the ill effects of diabetes? Well, a menacing health condition for sure, diabetes does cast a ghastly spell on life. Little did you know, but conditions like diabetes, if left untreated, can take a severe toll on various other organs in the body: the kidneys, eyes, gastrointestinal tracts, and the heart, for instance. Diabetes, in layman’s words, implies that your sugar level has spiked by leaps and bounds. It is crucial to nip in the bud and take control of the disorder before it switches a notch up and creates other bigger problems. Now, it may sound like a lot of work, but medication, exercise, and a little control over diet can work wonders. However, let’s get you schooled about an interesting trick that can cut down the ill effects of diabetes by large — thrilled to learn about it?
Well, are you aware of something known as the insulin plant? Surprisingly miraculous, the Costus igneus or the insulin plant benefits work like magic. Yes, you’ve read it right! You can kiss goodbye to the side effects of diabetes with a simple, green plant! Too good to be true, right? Let’s not beat around the bush and instead spill the beans on how insulin plants actually work..
The Wonder Plant of Insulin – How Does it Work?
Costus igneus is well-reckoned for its lush green foliage. Little were you aware, but extensive studies and experiments have proved that the leaves of the plant are brimming with a chemical that cuts-back the menaces of diabetes. Often used as a promising medicinal plant, chemicals in the insulin leaves reduces the spiked sugar levels in the blood. That’s not all about the insulin leaf. The fleshy and vibrant green leaves of insulin plant health benefits are a storehouse of valuable nutrients. Wondering what nutrients are packed in the plant? Here’s the list:
- Protein
- Terpenoids
- Flavonoids
- Antioxidants
- Ascorbic Acid
- Iron
- B Carotene
- Corosolic Acid and others.
The insulin plant for diabetes is a boon by Mother Nature. What’s extra? Bedecking your home with this lovely plant is simple. The benevolent herbaceous plant bears bright, orange flowers too. Isn’t that a gorgeous touch of nature within your already beautiful home?
Wondering if planting the Spiral Flag or the Insulin plant is a tedious affair? Well, take a breath of relief because growing the herb indoors is a cakewalk. What’s even better? Pests rarely infect the plant! There are a few do’s and don’ts when it comes to potting a plant of insulin. Let’s dig deep:
Best Advised ways to Grow Insulin Plant at Home:
1. Check for an Ideal Location
To reap the best foliage and keep your plant flourishing for the longest of time, it is vital to keep a check on where the plant is potted. Stick to a place that enjoys a flush of the sun but has partial shade as well. It might fascinate you to learn the insulin plant is a sucker for moisture in both air and soil. Therefore, planting it near water is not a problem!
2. Should you Dig Deep when Planting the Costus Igneus?
Well, you can steer clear from the trouble of potting your plant too deep. A fair room of 2-3 inches of depth is good enough to allow the plant to grow.
3. Amp up the Quality of the Soil in Which the Plant is Grown
There’s a reason why the Fiery Costus is reckoned as an easy-maintenance herb. It can adjust to various textures and the quality of the soil. From loamy soil texture to acidic, clay, sand, or alkaline – the plant and endure it all. However, the herb best thrives in soil that is rich and well-drained. To ensure optimum foliage, add compost to the soil and make it better. You can add fertilizers to double the potency of the soil.
4. A Winter Trick
To insulate the Spiral Flag in winter, scatter wood chips, and other forms of organic mulch around the herb. Keep an eye on nitty-gritty things like the mulch should not be in contact with the plant stem. You can refrain from over-watering the plant in the winter months. The plant blossoms best in temperatures ranging from 35 degrees to 45 degrees. Although the plant hankers for moisture, it is crucial to keep a check that the soil is not brimming with water.
Benefits of Insulin Plant – What’s left to be known?
Insulin Plant health benefits are just amazing! The rich green leaves comprise of corosolic acid, among various other enriching nutrients. This component, when ingested, works like magic by enhancing the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. It triggers high or abated glucose levels in the bloodstream and cures the condition. The anti-diabetic effect of the plant is a winner. Pot Costus igneus at home and bid farewell to the unpleasant effects of diabetes.
How to eat an insulin plant?
The leaves of an insulin plant work wonders in curing disease like diabetes. The active component in the insulin plant is corsolic acid. The pancreatic cells tend to stream insulin when anyone consumes this component. However, the doctors recommend chewing a leaf of this beneficial insulin plant every day for one month to see the effective results in sugar levels. Always remember not to chew more than prescribed as it can lead to other health risks.
The other method to consume an insulin plant is by drying the leaves. You can pluck the leaves and let them dry in the shade. Grind the dried leaves afterwards. The crumbled and powdered form of the plant should be consumed daily. Consume only one tablespoon of this drug daily.
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